Lakdi Mithai

Agustín Codazzi INGREDIENTS 1-2543

3 Cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup milk
2 tbsp ghee
oil for frying

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1 cup sugar
1 cup water


To make the syrup
Mix water and sugar and heat it on medium flame until it starts bubbling, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer

To make the dough fries
Mix together flour, baking powder and salt
Add milk and ghee together and mix well
Using the milk, make the dough ( The dough has to be harder than roti dough)
Roll it out (like a roti) to about 1/8 thickness and cut into 3 inches wide sash
Cut each sash into 1/2 inch strips (the classic shape of lakdi mithai)
Deep fry them until they are golden brown)
When all the dough strips are fried, add the syrup and mix well.


Don’t worry too much if the strips are sticking to each other, they will easily separate when you stir it around while they are frying.
Some people make the dough using water, this makes the lakdi mithai too hard, while the milk makes it just right
Salt enhances the flavor so just a little goes a long way

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