Turkey Stir Fry


1 lb Boneless turkey – cut into small pieces
1 tbs dark soy sauce
1 tsp Rice Vinegar
1/2 tsp black bean sauce
1/2 tsp black pepper sauce
2 tbs sesame oil
1 stalk of celery – diced
2 green chilies – chopped
3 inch ginger root – julienne cut
1 tsp olive oil
1 carrot – julienne cut
1/2 zucchini – julienne cut
leaves of 5 cabbages

Add soy sauce, black bean sauce,black pepper sauce and Rice vinegar to the meat marinate for app 15 minutes
Heat up the pan on medium high
Add sesame oil and heat until slightly smokey,
Add turkey and stir fry until all the moisture evaporates.
Turn the heat to low, cover and let it cook until the meat is tender
Turn the heat on high add ginger,celery and chopped chilies and saute for a minute (transfer the cooked meat into another dish)
In the same fry pan, add olive oil and saute the vegetables on high heat for 1 minute
Add the cooked meat and mix well.

Serve with Rice

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